Lord, where do I begin?
So much to say and yet lately, so little time to say it. Am hopeful with introspect that I have used the Blog being down to make excuses for myself.
First, I've joined a business group, actually joined it a couple months ago. A very dear friend invited me and I finally did attend (literally kicking and screaming). More than anything, we thought, it would get me out of the house and exposed to some kind of commerce one morning each week. Although I have not submitted my official membership, the decision is made....going to be hanging out with those folks as I have literally fallen in love with it.
Approaching four years under a rock is justifiable. Right?
Since my last post, a terrorist is dead, we've had a deadly tornado outbreak, I've had a birthday celebration with friends, we've had out of town family in, Michelle has recovered from her last foot surgery and it looks as if Kate may be having one. Pain in her side a month ago turns out to be a cyst on her spleen. How does this happen? She was sure that it was a relapse of the EBV, so then was I.
Pretty sure something when ace-deuce while I was incubating my kids. My brag book is all-inclusive, complete with awards and accolades, but they've both had health issues completely separate my gene pool. Was it their diet, the environment, karma? Nonetheless, the proposal is to line up a surgeon and get the spleen cyst taken care of post haste.
As for WB, the decline is evident, slow and steady. Well I say slow and steady, however family and friends visiting may report otherwise. If you haven't seen him in some months or even weeks, it could be a shocker.
I prayed for patience when taking him out this past Saturday to run a few errands. Basic necessities were needed; food, water, toilet paper, dung for the fig trees and tomato plants. A couple of hours out and certainly not a huge haul. Upon our return, he fell into his chair in the garage and slept until after dark. Kate and I just decided to leave him be with the light on and door open. It went something like this....
On these excursions, I outfit him with his own buggy for coordination and something to hold on to. Saturday, he ran the buggy over my heals and into the back of my ass no less than 10 times. Then, just when I am sure he's still directly behind me, WHAM, he's gone. I took a left and he never made the turn. Feeble, that's the word.
I forget about the missing faculties until we're out like that and am astounding at how much is missing. Simple commands, direction, suggestion, commentary.
Reflecting on the ordeal while driving home, there was no time to wonder how this must make him feel. He told me in four short bursts. "I sure do love you", "I'm sorry", "That scares me", "I'm thirsty".
Got to run with a promise to post more soon....
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